
Development of a NAMA policy framework for Sustainable Charcoal in a selected country in the ECOWAS region

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is seeking for consultancy services to develop a NAMA policy framework on Sustainable Charcoal in a selected country in the ECOWAS region, to guide the development of nationally appropriate mitigation actions along the charcoal value chain, i.e. forest management, production, trade and final consumption.


Jeudi, décembre 5, 2013 - 22:59

Needs assessment and recommendations for training module development for industries with biogas potential in the ECOWAS region

The Unitd Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is facilitating the development of a training module for the ECOWAS region, targeting private sector entrepreneurs with biogas potential for industrial applications. This training module will focus on enhancing the capacity of biogas companies and entrepreneurs to seize opportunities presented by industrial uses of biogas. The trainings will address both technical and business skills, including project appraisal with UNIDO’s Computer Model for Feasibility Analysis and Reporting (COMFAR) programme.


Mercredi, novembre 27, 2013 - 22:59

TESE - Renewable Energy Officer in Guinea-Bissau (Portuguese)

O projeto Bambadinca Sta Claro - Programa Comunitário para Acesso a Energias Renováveis (PCAER) é co-financiado pelo ACP-EU Energy Facility e pela Cooperação Portuguesa, e tem como objetivo principal garantir o acesso sustentável de energia elétrica produzida com recurso a fontes renováveis de energia ao centro semi-rural de Bambadinca, Região de Bafatá, Guiné-Bissau, através da provisão de um serviço fiável e moderno de energia elétrica.


Mardi, novembre 12, 2013 - 23:59

Expression of Interest for pre-feasibility studies of SHP sites in Liberia

The World Bank invites expressions of interest from consultants to perform pre-feasibility studies of six to nine small hydropower sites in Liberia. Responses are due November 2.


Samedi, novembre 2, 2013 - 23:59

Authoring of ECOWAS Renewable Energy Status Report

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is one of the most active regions in Africa for the promotion of renewables and energy efficiency. The region’s considerable renewable energy resources are central in helping meet current and projected demand.


Vendredi, novembre 8, 2013 - 14:00

Tender Call for RCREEE Regional Information System Portal on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

The Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) is considering to establish a long-term relationship with a team of developers  who can develop a regional information system including data and information related to Renewable Energy (RE) and Energy Efficiency (EE).


Lundi, octobre 21, 2013 - 23:59

Development Solar Heating System for hotels in Cape Verde

The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) in cooperation with  “Grupo Oásis Atlântico” is developing project on solar Heating for Hotels under the ECOWAS Renewable Energy Facility (EREF). Companies with experience in this field are invited to present their proposal for supply and installation of the referred solar heating system.


Samedi, août 31, 2013 - 23:59

TESE | TdR Fiscal Obra_PCAER 2011/231/830

No âmbito do Bambadinca Sta Claro - Programa Comunitário para Acesso a Energias Renováveis, financiado pelo ACP-EU Energy Facility e Cooperação Portuguesa, a TESE-ESF, em parceria com a ACDB, DIVUTEC e Universidade de Lisboa, vem por este meio divulgar e convidar todos/as os/as interessados/as a apresentar uma proposta técnica e financeira para Serviços de Fiscalização de Obra.


Vendredi, juillet 12, 2013 - 23:59

Call for Expressions of Interest - International Sustainable Energy Expert for Guinea Bissau

Preparatory assistance for the project "Creation of an enabling environment for small to medium scale renewable energy investments in the electricity sector in Guinea Bissau" (GEF Project ID: GE 5331)


Lundi, juillet 8, 2013 - 22:42

Call for Expressions of Interest - National Sustainable Energy Expert for Guinea Bissau

Preparatory assistance for the project "Creation of an enabling environment for small to medium scale renewable energy investments in the electricity sector in Guinea Bissau" (GEF Project ID: GE 5331).


Lundi, juillet 8, 2013 - 22:37
