The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) hereby invites you to submit a Proposal to this Request for Proposal (RFP) for the following consultancy for: Promotion of national RE policies and incentive schemes in the ECOWAS member countries.
As part of its contribution to building national and sub-regional capacity in developing sustainable energy systems, The Energy Center (TEC) of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) Kumasi, Ghana, is organising the next series of regular short courses in renewable energy in the month of May this year.
TESE – Development Association / Engineers Without Borders (EWB) is executing the EUBambadinca Sta Claro – Community Programme for Access to Renewable Energy, contract nº2011/231-830, has as specific objective ensure sustainable access to electricity through renewable energy to the village of Bambadinca, Bafatá Region, in Guinea-Bissau.
O Centro Regional de Energias Renovaveis e Eficiencia Energetica da CEDEAO (CEREEC)), a Iniciativa para as Tecnologias Climaticas, - Rede de Consultoria para o Financiamento Privado (CTI PFAN) e a Iniciativa para o Investimento Regional em Energia Limpa (RCEII) da Agencia Norte-americana para o Desenvolvimento Internacional (USAID), juntamente com os parceiros CTI PFAN na Africa Ocidental, convidam os empresarios da região com projectos de energias limpa
Within the targets formulation framework of the ECOWAS Renewable Energy Policy (EREP), the Centre has developed a renewable energy baseline report which provides detailed information on the existing national and regional policies and laws, investments, resources and economics of renewable energy technologies. The report includes a detailed renewable energy scenario for the ECOWAS region by 2030. The report is available in English and French.
At the ECOWAS High Level Energy Forum, the ECOWAS Energy Efficiency Policy and its corresponding Action Plan was adopted by national and regional bodies in charge of energy efficiency and environmental programs from ECOWAS ministries and agencies. This includes energy efficiency initiatives on lighting, standards and labelling, electricity distribution and efficient cooking. At the forum, the en.lighten initiative facilitated a session on energy efficient lighting to discuss the proven economic, financial and environmental benefits for countries generated by efficient lighting programs
On Monday, 21 January, 2013, the Commissioner for Human Development and Gender and representative of the ECOWAS President, Dr. Adrienne Diop and Mr. Paul Ejime, of the ECOWAS Communication department, paid a visit to the ECREEE Secretariat, in Praia, Cape Verde.