
ECREEE Participates in a Multidisciplinary Dialogue on ‘Renewable Energy Technologies for Productive Uses in West Africa’

The International Centre for Science and High Technology (ICS) of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (ICS-UNIDO) organized a workshop on ‘Renewable Energy Technologies for Productive Uses in West Africa’, in Trieste, Italy, from 17–19 April 2012. The workshop sought to facilitate the sharing of scientific knowledge and technological know-how on the use of renewable energy technologies for productive uses aimed at enhancing productive activities and increasing competitiveness of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in rural on/off-grid areas in West Africa.

ECOWAS OBSERVATORY for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency to be launched at High Level Energy Forum

 ECREEE and UNIDO are currently implementing the regional GEF project ‘Promoting Coordination, Coherence and Knowledge Management under the Energy Component of the Strategic Programme for West Africa (SPWA)’. The project is co-funded by the Austrian Ministry for European and International Affairs and AECID.To boost knowledge management, networking and advocacy in the areas of renewable energy and energy efficiency, the GEF project foresees the establishment of ECOWREX. The web-based observatory will be managed and updated by the ECREEE Secretariat.

GBEP Reaches Agreement on Bioenergy Sustainability Indicators

  A set of 24 indicators covering environmental, social and economic aspects of Bioenergy with regards to its production, processing and utilization has been developed and agreed by the Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP). This is a set of voluntary, practical and science-based sustainability indicators with the aim of helping countries to assess and develop sustainable production and use of Bioenergy.This agreement marks the first global, government-level consensus on assessing the sustainable production and use of Bioenergy.

ECOWAS Renewable Energy Facility (EREF) approves 41 sustainable energy projects with an overall volume of 3 million EUR

 The Technical Committee of the ECOWAS Renewable Energy Facility (EREF) for rural and peri-urban areas approved 41 projects with an overall volume of €3m. The facility, which is managed by ECREEE with technical assistance from UNIDO, will co-fund the selected projects with a €1m from the Spanish Agency for International Development (AECID) and the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC).Mr. Mahama Kappiah, ED of ECREEE, stressed the social and economic relevance of the EREF projects.

ECREEE Strengthens its Energy Efficiency Mandate

ECREEE Establishes a Technical Committee for the SEEA-WA Project
The Energy Efficiency Technical Committee (EETC), an advisory group comprised of national, regional and international experts on energy efficiency, has been set up by ECREEE to provide support for the implementation of the Supporting Energy Efficiency for Access in West Africa (SEEA-WA) Project.

ECREEE Side Event at Rio+20

The ECREEE Rio+20 Side Event ‘Towards Universal Access to Sustainable Energy Services in West Africa’ took place on 17 June 2012. The side event brought together the major partners and beneficiaries of the implementation process of the adopted the ECOWAS/UEMOA Regional White Paper on Access to Energy Services for Populations in Rural and Peri-urban Areas. It featured the participation of high level representatives of ECOWAS, the United Nations (UNIDO, UNDP) and the European Union (Austria, Spain, European Commission).

First Stakeholder Forum of the Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP) in South Africa

 More than 250 participants from civil society, research institutions, the private sector (including financial institutions) and government institutions gathered in Cape Town, South Africa, for the First Stakeholder Forum of the Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP) 9–10 May 2012. Participants were drawn from over 13 different EU Member States and 29 African countries. The focus of the forum was decidedly on private sector, civil society and research.
