
ECOWAS Capacity Building Workshop on Bioenergy Service Delivery Successfully Concludes at Centre Songhai, Porto Novo, Benin

ECREEE – Praia Cape Verde, 28th September 2018 - The Regional workshop on Capacity Building on Bioenergy Service Delivery supported by the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADA), successfully concluded at Porto Novo, Benin on Friday 28 September 2018. The five-day capacity building workshop opened on Monday 24th September 2018.

ECREEE shortlists 6 firms for its Feasibility study on business opportunities for women in a changing energy value chain in West Africa

The ECOWAS Centre for Regional Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) received a grant of USD 1,000,000 from the African Development Bank, through the New Partnership for Africa’s Development Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility Special Fund (NEPAD-IPPF Special Fund), to implement a project entitled: ‘Feasibility study on business opportunities for women in a changing energy value chain in West Africa’.

Published Research: Economic Assessment of Large Power Photovoltaic Irrigation Systems in the ECOWAS region

In the framework of research collaboration between the ECREEE and the Universidad Politécnica De Madrid (UPM) on the efficient use of climate change adaptation technologies in water usages (e.g. irrigation supply) (or) storm water/flood management in Sub Saharan Africa (SSA) cities. A research on the Economic Assessment of Large Power Photovoltaic Irrigation Systems in the ECOWAS region has been peer published. The research was funded by the African Development Bank (AfDB).

Organisation d’une formation Genre et Energie au Togo dans le cadre du Programme Régional de Formation en Intégration du Genre aux projets, produits et services énergétiques

En Afrique de l’Ouest, les femmes vulnérables sont les plus touchées par la précarité énergétique et ses effets. En effet, elles sont les plus longuement exposées aux risques sanitaires liés à l’utilisation de combustibles polluants. Elles sont responsables au sein de leur ménage de l’approvisionnement en énergie, qui pèse de plus en plus lourd dans leur budget et sur leur temps libre en cas de collecte du combustible, au détriment d’autres activités (éducation des enfants, activités génératrices de revenus…).


Praia - 1st August 2018 - The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) and donor partners recently launched the program “Improving the Governance of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency sector in West Africa” (known by its French acronym AGoSEREE-AO). The ceremony held in Praia, Cabo Verde was presided over by senior officials from ECREEE, ERERA, ECOWAS Energy Commission, European Union and German Cooperation (BMZ and GIZ).


Praia – July 23rd, 2018 – The 15th Executive Board Meeting of the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) was held in Praia, Cabo Verde. Among the important issues on the agenda, was the discussion on the status of implementation of the ECREEE 2018 work program and budget. The board meeting also provided an opportunity for ECREEE to present to the board, some of the new programmes and projects being carried out.


The Guinea Bissau Sustainable Energy International Conference is scheduled to take place between 6 and 7 December 2018 in Bissau, Guinea Bissau.

The high-level event is co-organized by the Government of Guinea Bissau, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) in cooperation with ALER and other partners.

Inauguration of a Solar Mini-Grid Project in Niger

The Ministry of Energy, has officially received from Plan International Niger on June 28, 2018, a 27.5 KWC Solar mini-grid for the village of Gorou 1. This Renewable Energy Promotion Project is supported by the ECOWAS Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) in collaboration with Plan International Spain. This project has impacted directly about 4412 people from the aforementioned village, enabling them to have access to modern energy services.

First Technical Committee meeting of the Regional Certification Scheme for Solar PV Installers

After three years of development of the Regional Certification Scheme (RCS) for solar PV installers, ECREEE has reached the stage where the RCS will become operational in eight pilot countries in 2018, before it is rolled-out to the remaining seven ECOWAS countries. The certificate for off-grid solar PV installers is the first certificate that will be issued under the ECOWAS Certification for Sustainable Energy Skills (ECSES) programme that will initially focus on installers of simple off-grid PV systems.

ECREEE is celebrating 8 years of operation

Sustainable Energy Development in West Africa: Tracking Progress
