
ECOWAS Adopts Strategy to Promote Sustainable Bioenergy Development in West Africa

ECREEE and the Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP) co-organized the first ECOWAS Regional Bio-energy Forum, in Bamako, Mali, from 19–21 March 2012. The objective was to deliberate on strategies, through multi-stakeholders’ dialogue and exchange of experience, for promoting the transition from traditional use of biomass resources to a modernized and efficient utilization of these resources.

ECOWAS Agrees on Green Energy Policies as a Voluntary Commitment to the SE4ALL Initiative

 ECOWAS is working towards a voluntary commitment to the Sustainable Energy for All initiative (SE4ALL) of the UN Secretary-General presented at Rio+20. At a regional validation workshop, held from 25–28 June 2012 in Dakar, Senegal, the Directors of the ECOWAS Ministries of Energy agreed on the main targets and pillars of regional renewable energy and energy efficiency policies for the ECOWAS region.

1st Edition of the ECOWAS RE Investment and Business Forum

The first Edition of the ECOWAS RE Investment and Business Forum was attended by about 90 participants coming from Senegal and the remaining the ECOWAS member countries, Europe and USA on the 27th and 28th of September in Dakar (Senegal). An ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) activity which was jointly organized with African Development Bank (AfDB).

ECOWAS Ministers adopt RE&EE policies

During the ECOWAS High Level Energy Forum the ECOWAS Ministers of Energy adopted the ECOWAS Renewable Energy Policy and the ECOWAS Energy Efficiency Policy. The conference report and photos are available at the IISD website.

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call for abstracts - deadline: 24.02.2012

The Institute for Sustainable Technologies (AEE INTEC) is organising the international conference on Solar Thermal Energy “Gleisdorf SOLAR” from 12th to 14th September 2012. Approximately 400 international participants are expected to attend the conference. Abstracts can be submitted at latest by 24 February 2012.

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RETScreen training in Gambia

The training is scheduled to take place from 27 to 31 August 2012 in Banjul, Gambia.

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Le système PV du CEREEC fait la promotion d’une ère d’energe verte au Cap-Vert

Le premier système d'énergies renouvelables privé connecté au réseau a été mis en service dans le cadre de la nouvelle loi qui a été adoptée par le Cap-Vert sur les énergies renouvelables. Depuis novembre 2011, un système solaire photovoltaïque d’une puissance installée de 9,9 kW est en service et fourni la plus part de la demande d'électricité du secrétariat du CEREEC.

Request for expression of interest

End date - 30 July, 2012

The African Development Bank is seeking to recruit a consultant under the Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA) to support the Bank and its clients in the preparation of small/medium scale renewable energy (RE) projects.

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