ECREEE Regional Workshop on GIS Energy Planning and RETScreen Training

Lundi, août 22, 2011 (Jour entier) - Vendredi, août 26, 2011 (Jour entier)

The regional training workshop on GIS Energy Access Planning and RETScreen Clean Energy Project Analysis will take place from 22 to 26 August 2011 in Kumasi, Ghana. The workshop is jointly organized by ECREEE in cooperation with United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and The Technology Energy Centre (TEC) of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Ghana.

The detailed training schedule can be found in the aid memoire attached. The workshop is limited to invited persons from the ECOWAS Energy Ministries and national RE&EE training institutes. There is also a limited number of seats for private sector participants. If you are interested to participate please send your CV and short motivation statement to[email protected].


ECREEE Contact:
Mr. Ibrahim Soumaila (French)
Mr. Martin Lugmayr (English, Portuguese)
Tel. +238 2604630, [email protected]

Guidelines for the RETScreen training 

For the participating ECOWAS training institutes it is compulsary to organize a national follow-up trainings in 2012 with the support of ECREEE and the respective National Focal Institution (NFI). Training participants will have the possibility to do an exams and certification in the use of RETScreen at the third day of the workshop.

Participants are asked to bring their own laptops with the RETScreen Software preinstalled. The software supports English, French as well as Portuguese. The software can be freely downloaded from the RETScreen webiste at:

Some general background information on renewable energy and energy efficiency financing can be found below. We would appreciate if the participants could read the RETScreen Text Book in advance to the meeting. It is available in English or French at: Paricipants are encouraged to bring their own renewable energy case studies for further analysis in the training.

There is also the possibility to get an introduction by video webcast:

RETScreen video (2:02 minutes)
RETScreen - Introduction (33:23 minutes)
RETScreen - Energy Efficiency (27:16 minutes)
RETScreen - Heating / Cooling (69:53 minutes)
RETScreen - Power (53:04 minutes)
RETScreen - Combined Heat & Power (23:59 minutes)





Observatory Country: 
