The African Renewable Energy Alliance (AREA) will be organizing a conference on “Access to Sustainable Renewable Energy in Africa as Prerequisite for the MDGs”, at the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Centre, Italy, from 22nd-26th May, 2012.
The conference will focus on the identification and promotion of framework conditions and instruments necessary for expanding renewable energy deployments in Africa, with the goal of improving the welfare of the African populace as well as their environment. Specifically, the conference will consist of consultations around four innovative areas for renewable energy promotion, namely: micro-financed off-grid systems, mini-grids in connection with telecommunication infrastructure, financing mechanisms for thermal applications and scaling up access by switching from fossil to renewable.
The event will bring together regional and international professionals in the renewable energy sector, including the Executive Director of the ECOWAS Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE), Mr. Mahama Kappiah, who will be chairing the session on “Affordable energy through Renewables”.
The objectives of this gathering, which aligns with the goals of the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Centre, are to: maximize potential for impact on important global issues; build networks across geographies, disciplines and/or professions; prioritize interactions, dialogue and shared learning among participants through mediums other than lectures or power points.
For more information please see below the agenda for the conference.
Access to Sustainable Renewable Energy in Africa as prerequisite for the MDG’s
Mardi, mai 22, 2012 (Jour entier) - Samedi, mai 26, 2012 (Jour entier)