(ECREEE secretariat 06 March 2015 - Closed Event) - The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) and its partners are jointly organizing a working meeting on the development of the ECOWAS Renewable Energy & Energy Efficient National Action Plans and SE4ALL Action Agendas will take place from the 24 – 25 March, 2015 in Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire.
The meeting is a follow up activity to the regional Kick-off workshop organized by ECREEE in March 2014 in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, to launch the process of the development of national RE and EE Action Plans and the SE4ALL Action Agenda.
At the regional workshop organized in March 2014, ECOWAS Member States discussed and adopted the framework for the development and implementation of the regional RE&EE policies and the SE4ALL Action Agendas at the national level. Since then, the countries have since embarked on the elaboration of their respective national action plans, based on the validated templates and extensive national stakeholders’ consultation. The national consultants have worked extensively and in close collaboration with the Ministries in their various countries to set up intersectorial commitee(s), Conduct baselines studies, Validate baseline data and are now in the process of defining their national targets for renewable energy and energy efficiency as well as for energy access.
This meeting aims to determine the progress made by each country in the development of the action plans, strengthen the capacities of the participants on scenarios development and create a platform for representatives of ministries of energy, national consultants, international backstopping experts and ECREEE to closely work together and on achieving high quality Action Plans and Action Agendas.
The meeting will feature the participation of the Ministries of Energy, the 15 national consultants, the SE4ALL Focal Points selected in each Member State to facilitate the process and also the international backstopping team that have been engaged by ECREEE to provide support to the process.
Please find below the Draft Agenda.