The West Africa Clean Cooking Alliance (WACCA) is developing an Information, Education and Communication (IEC) campaign to raise awareness on the importance of using efficient and clean cooking solutions for domestic purposes.
In order to develop a tailor-made campaign for stakeholders in ECOWAS member states, the West African Clean Cooking Alliance (WACCA) is implementing a diagnostic analysis in the cooking energy sector. As part of this diagnostic study, a survey questionnaire has been developed in order to collect direct data from the ECOWAS countries on clean cooking solutions. This survey aims to establish a baseline of the current situation of the domestic energies sector and to find out the most efficient IEC instruments for awareness raising.
The survey is addressed to all stakeholders in member states, including policy makers and governments, civil society, research institutions and academia, end-users, private sector, and media. The campaign has the support of the ECOWAS Commission (Directorate for Communication), ECREEE and its partners, in particular, the Ministry of Environment of Austria.
ECREEE calls on everybody to support this activity by filling out the survey and by spreading the word about the campaign. To fill the survey, please follow this link:
Your time and support is really appreciated.
For more information, please contact: Siré Diallo - [email protected]; Antonio Palazuelos - [email protected]