For three years the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency has been running the ECOWAS Solar Thermal Energy Program (SolTrain West Africa). With this specific program, ECREEE aims at creating more and more channels for a wider penetration of the solar thermal technology, including water heating, thermal drying of agricultural products and other productive uses, towards sustainable energy.
In this sense, the Centre has embarked on a series of training courses aimed at professionals and experts of the field. This training course is the second in a series of technical training courses for professionals carried out in cooperation with the partners of the Centre such as Koforidua Technical University (Ghana), Université Cheikh Anta DIOP (Senegal) and 2iE (Burkina Faso).
The content of the second technical training course will be the theoretical and practical background to be able to design, build and to install and solar thermal systems. The target groups for this training are staff of companies, who are already active in solar water heating systems, staff from Universities and Vocational training centres, as well as technical experts from utilities, governmental bodies and housing developers. The registration is limited to participants who had attended the first Train the Trainer course or Soltrain West Africa Dissemination course.
Two trainings already took place in Burkina Faso and Ghana respectively as a third one is scheduled for will take place in Senegal from 8 - 10 of August and another one in Nigeria from 27 - 29 August 2018. For more detailed information, please download the agendas of the program below.