International Renewable Energy Conference in Cabo Verde

Jeudi, novembre 22, 2018 (Jour entier) - Vendredi, novembre 23, 2018 (Jour entier)

Bridging the knowledge gap on climate financing in small island states

The International Renewable Energy Conference will be held on 22nd and 23rd November 2018 in Cabo Verde, Santiago Island.

This event is organized by the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Energy of Cabo Verde and launched within the scope of our Renewable Energy Sector Support Program, financed by the Luxembourg Development Cooperation.

The conference will serve as a space for knowledge sharing, within small island nation community (developing islands in particular - SIDS) by showcasing existing climate financing mechanisms, tailored to support Renewable Energy investments in small island nations and concrete projects that have leveraged innovative mechanisms to bridge climate finance, and lessons learned from implementation.

The target audience is financial institutions, organizations (international/national), and project sponsors, involved in the renewable energy sector in the Small Island States.

Given the foreseen high number of participants, this event will also be an important opportunity for networking and to meet in person important stakeholders from Cabo Verde and other SIDS

Registration are now open here:

Save the date and for more details click here.  


Cape Verde