ToR - Elaboration of the SE4ALL Investment Prospectuses in the Gambia, Ghana and Burkina Faso
Deadline:Vendredi, novembre 30, 2018 - 23:45 |
ECREEE is the "ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency" that is based in Praia, Cape Verde. This institution was established by regulation number C/REG of November 23, 2011 of the 61st session of the ECOWAS Council of Ministers with the mandate "to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency markets". ECREEE is supported and has got the legitimacy from the Governments of Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Cote d’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo (15 countries of ECOWAS).
ECREEE coordinates, executes, co-funds and supports programs, projects and activities in the scope of the four following strategic areas: Sustainable Energy Policy, Capacity building, Knowledge Management and, Investment Project development and finance. One of the major pillars is the capacity building programmes that would help promote access, rural electrification, renewable energy and energy efficiency. ECREEE has developed a considerable amount of work in the field of capacity building through many workshops and training programmes at regional level in the rural electrification and energy efficiency.
ECOWAS has set up ambitious policy targets in terms of energy access, renewable energy and energy efficiency. The ECOWAS Energy Ministers have appointed ECREEE to act as the SE4ALL Focal Point in the ECOWAS region, and to take up the development of SE4ALL activity program for the region.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and ECREEE have signed a collaboration for the years 2018 – 2019 entitled: From policy to investment with a special focus on access to sustainable electricity services.
The proposed collaboration has 5 activities among which one of them consists in supporting SE4ALL Investment prospectus (IP) processes by providing targeted support to ECREEE in specific countries (Ghana, the Gambia and Burkina Faso) so as to elaborate an updated SE4ALL IP document.
The SE4ALL initiative and process
The SE4All CARD foresees the following steps for the implementation of SE4All Country Actions:
- A Declaration of Partnership which expressed the host country government’s desire to participate in the SE4All initiative;
- A Rapid Assessment/Gap Analysis which describes the status quo regarding energy in the national development context, providing the political, economic, social, and environmental background for the subsequent drafting of strategic plans to promote SE4All in a particular country;
- A Country Action Agenda which is a strategy-driven and holistic document that addresses the issues and gaps identified in the respective Rapid Assessment/Gap Analysis by outlining and prioritizing various courses of action and demonstrates how the three goals of SE4All can be achieved;
- Investment Prospectuses which provide an approach to operationalizing the Country Action Agenda, in each specific sector or subsector, by identifying and developing a set of implementable programs and projects, including their investment requirements, that can be presented to potential private and public investors.
The Africa Hub, in consultation with SE4All partners, developed several guidelines to assist in the development of the Action Agenda and Investment Prospectus, including an Action Agenda template, a guide for assessing the quality of the documents produced, stakeholder consultation guidelines and a concept note on the IP.
SE4ALL National Action Agendas and Investment Prospectus
One of the major achievements of ECREEE in 2014-2015 has been assisting the ECOWAS member states in developing the SE4ALL National Action Agendas that include the National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP) and the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP). This provides a national strategy and road map (validated by each government) sustained by national policies. ECREEE has engaged 15 national consultants and a team of international experts as part of a backstopping team. The Directors for Energy of each ECOWAS member state were invited to present the national action agendas at the "ECOWAS Sustainable Energy Policy and Investment High Level Forum", which happened from 14-18 September in Abidjan.
The SE4ALL National Action Agenda translate the national policies in a strategic path that will bring each country close to the SE4ALL objectives by 2030. It provides information on the quantity of inputs required to meet the objectives in term of number of electricity connections, number of access to efficient cooking fuels equipment and devices, MW of installed renewable energy capacity and penetration of energy efficient devices. It also indicates the schedule of actions and programmes to roll out in order to create an enabling environment for the above investment. Without a sound cost estimate associated to these investments and programmes, the donor community will miss key information that would result directly from the action agendas.
The next phase for ECREEE has consisted in developing a specific SE4ALL IP Framework for ECOWAS countries, including 5 pipelines to fill in so as to represent all types of renewable technologies, energy efficiency devices and programs and enabling environment projects.
Since then, ECOWAS countries that have carried out their national SE4ALL Investment Prospectus have followed the mentioned framework, based on a bottom-up approach that consists of developing 5 pipelines of projects displaying the financial effort and timeline for bringing each identified project to maturity and bankability. So far, 11 Investment Prospectuses have been elaborated in the ECOWAS region.
The 3 countries have therefore requested the assistance of ECREEE to update their SE4ALL IP documents and adapt them to the ECOWAS IP Framework.
- National Kick off meeting
- Investment Thesis writing
- Project selection and project fiches elaboration
- Final report
The main objective of this assignment is to assist ECREEE to develop the investment prospectus for the 3 ECOWAS member states.
The selected firm for the assignment shall mobilize a team of national experts in the 3 countries, and ensure participation to the kick off meetings that will occur in all 3 countries.
Activities and deliverables
It is suggested to structure the work programme into eight steps – the total duration of this assignment should be around six months per country:
Project phases
Preparation and definition of methodology and mission planning;
Identification of national experts for the countries where the firm is not based;
Meeting with local authorities to define the IP national criteria and national committee and public projects;
IP Kick off meetings in 3 countries;
One to one consultations with private sector
Call for projects and projects selection
Investment Thesis
Consultations with government authorities to select and write project fiches for public projects
- Final report: National Se4All IP (Investment thesis + project fiches)
Expertise required
The assignment requires an experienced consulting firm capable of deploying experienced teams in all 3 countries and who are capable of interacting and communicating effectively in French and English, with central and local government officials, private sector, banking sector, and development agency representatives. Interested consultant firms should clearly demonstrate their experience in energy project promotion, technical development, financing and appraisal, financial advisory experience with renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in ECOWAS. Excellent knowledge and understanding of project development and assessment is also crucial.
While the consultant firm has the responsibility of proposing the team composition, the tasks in the assignment will require the involvement of at least:
- Expert in business development for renewable energy and energy efficiency, both with private sector and public private partnership structures;
- Expert in financing of renewable energy and enery efficiency projects.
Consulting firms are strongly encouraged to tap into locally-based expertise, as appropriate, to contribute to enhance local capacities and facilitate the implementation of follow-up activities. The CVs of proposed staff should clearly demonstrate the relevant experience of each team member by task assigned.
Assignment START and implementation PERIOD
The assignment is scheduled to start in November 2018.
The assignment should be implemented within 2 calendar months.
The services will be carried out from the localization of where the regional firm is based (for preparation and report writing). Meetings however will be organized at country level with the national experts involved in the IP Process, and a kick off workshop will need to be organised in each country, where regional and national experts should attend.
- Contact point at ECREEE: Nathalie WEISMAN ([email protected])
- Contact points at country level : National Focal Institutions – will be sent to the firm once the consultation starts.
For more information download the ToR bellow.
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