West African Power Poolhttp://www.ecowapp.org |
Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Centuryhttp://www.ren21.net |
International Renewable Energy Agencyhttp://www.irena.org |
EUROPEAN UNIONhttps://europa.eu/european-union/index_en |
Instituto Tecnológico de Canariashttp://www.itccanarias.org |
Alliance for Rural Electrificationhttp://www.ruraelec.org |
Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l’Energiehttp://www.ademe.fr |
Austrian Energy Agencyhttp://www.energyagency.at |
Global Bioenergy Partnershiphttp://www.globalbioenergy.org |
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnershiphttp://www.reeep.org |
Energy Sector Management Assistance Programhttp://www.esmap.org |