
Energies renouvelables Défis pour le développement de l’Afrique

La Commission de la CEDEAO, en collaboration avec son Centre pour les Énergies Renouvelables et l’Efficacité Énergétique (ECREEE) et l’Union européenne (UE) a ouvert hier, à Dakar, un atelier de renforcement des capacités à l’intention des journalistes provenant de huit des quinze pays membres. La rencontre vise à promouvoir un système de communication unique entièrement intégré pour l’ensemble des programmes d´ECREEE.

Stakeholder meets in Johannesburg to discuss Policies and Regulations for Inclusive Infrastructure

From 9 – 10 June 2016, infrastructure professionals from Africa and rest of the world met in Johannesburg, South Africa, to deliberate on, and proffer solutions to, Africa’s infrastructure deficit. Hosted by the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), the Forum featured 2 plenary panels, 16 concurrent panels, over 90 speakers, and brought together over 600 delegates, including African Infrastructure Ministers.


The Energy Commission is organizing the 2nd Ghana Renewable Energy Fair (Conference and Exhibition) from 9th – 11th August, 2016 at the Accra International Conference Center (AICC) under the theme “Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RE&EE): Accelerating Energy Access and Security”. The conference will run concurrently with the exhibition over the 3 days.


May 25th – 2016 – Building capacities is a very important pillar in the foundations of the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency and such activities are always important to disseminate information and raise awareness. In view of this, ECREEE in collaboration with the Government of Cabo Verde, celebrated the World International Energy Day, the ECOWAS Day and the Africa Day with sensitization activities, raising the flag of renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Capacity Building Workshop in Production and Distribution of Improved Stoves and Cooking Fuel

BAMAKO, 30-MAY-2016- The capacity building workshop in production and distribution of improved stoves and cooking fuel opened today in Bamako, Mali with an inaugural session chaired by the top Adviser to the Minister of Energy and Water of Mali, M. Tezana Coulibaly. The Coordinator of the West African Alliance for Clean Cooking (WACCA) and representative for the occasion of the ECOWAS Centre of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) Executive Director, Mr. Siré. A. Diallo, the Director of Energy of Mali, Mr.

A step closer to bridging electricity markets in Africa

A Strategy and Action plan for African electricity markets at the continental level are being elaborated through a joint AU-EU initiative.

First Regional Rural hydropower Civil Engineering Training implemented in West Africa

Opening of first rural HP civil engineering training at FUTA in Akure Nigeria

One of the barriers of developing micro and mini Hydropower plants, up to 500 kW, in West Africa are missing technical skills on civil engineering.


The ECOWAS Workshop on Sustainable Wood Energy Management opened at the Palais de Congres in Cotonou, Benin, on the 9th May. The workshop is co-organized by the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) and the Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP), in the context of the GBEP Activity Group “Towards sustainable modern wood energy development”.

Campanha de sensibilização da Aliança de Cocção Limpa na África Ocidental (WACCA)

A Aliança de Cocção Limpa na África Ocidental (WACCA) está a desenvolver uma campanha de Informação, Educação e Comunicação (IEC) no sentido de sentido de aumentar a sensibilização no que concerne à importância do uso eficiente e limpo das soluções de cocção para fins domésticos.
