
ECOWAS Commissioner for Human Resources pays a working visit to ECREEE

From L - R: H.E. Dr. Jeremias Furtado, ECOWAS Commissioner for Human Resources and Mr. Mahama Kappiah, Executive Director of ECREEE

Praia, 3/July/18 - The ECOWAS Commissioner for Human Resources, His Excellency Dr. Jeremias Furtado payed a working visit to the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE), with the double purpose to auscultate and be aware of the concerns of the staff and also present one of the major programs of his commissariat which is the ECOWAS Pension Scheme.


ECREEE – Accra,  June 26,  2018 – The second regional workshop under ECREEE’s Regional Off-Grid Electrification Project (ROGEP) has opened in the Ghanaian capital Accra. The theme of the workshop is ‘promoting investments in standalone solar systems in the West Africa and Sahel regions’. The two-day forum brings together a diverse group of stakeholders in the energy sector from the ECOWAS member states and beyond.


Accra, June 25 – The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE), through its Regional Off-Grid Electrification Project (ROGEP), held the first edition of the Business-to-Business (B2B) networking event, bringing together companies from the solar off-grid industry.

ROGEP Training workshop for Entrepreneurs launched in Accra

Accra, June 20 - The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) Regional training workshop to reinforce the knowledge and skills of entrepreneurs in the economic Bloc opened in Accra on Wednesday. The four-day event, geared towards creating the enabling environment for the uptake of renewable energy and energy efficiency in the region, brought together some 40 entrepreneurs from across the ECOWAS and beyond.

Dissemination of technical and economical feasible solutions for solar photovoltaic (PV) irrigation in ECOWAS

Accra, 28/June/2018 - The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy efficiency (ECREEE) has organized a research dissemination workshop on the Economic Viability of Large Scale Solar Photovoltaic Irrigation in the ECOWAS region. The workshop took place in Accra, Ghana on the 28th of June 2018 and featured more than 60 participants from the 15 ECOWAS countries.

Consolidando vias para serviços de eletricidade sustentáveis na África Ocidental

Acra, 18 / Junho / 18 - O Centro para Energias Renováveis e Eficiência Energética da CEDEAO (ECREEE) iniciou uma série de actividades no âmbito do seu Projecto de Electrificação Regional Fora da Rede (ROGEP) com o objectivo de fornecer electricidade fiável através de sistemas solares autónomos para 19 países da região da CEDEAO e do Sahel, incluindo a República Centro-Africana e os Camarões.

ECREEE promotes regional cooperation to endorse electricity access

Praia, 28/May/18 - The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE), with the financial support of the World Bank Group and the Technical assistance of Lighting Africa program, has been preparing to implement the Regional Off-Grid Electrification Project (ROGEP), aimed at promoting cooperation at the regional level to endorse electricity access.

ECREEE promotes electricity access through standalone solar systems

Praia, 30/May/18 - The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE), has embarked on a project with the mission to promote electricity access through standalone solar systems for 19 countries in the ECOWAS and Sahel regions.

ECREEE Holds Sustainable Bioenergy and WACCA Forum in Mali

ECREEE – Praia Cape Verde, 7th May 2018 - The national workshop on Sustainable Bioenergy and WACCA financed by ECREEE opened in Bamako, Mali on Thursday 3rd May 2018. This is a two-day capacity building and sensitisation workshop on Sustainable Bioenergy and WACCA programs.

Statement from the Government of Canada on the regional workshop

A Global Affairs Canada agradece ao ECREEE pelo convite em participar do Workshop Regional de Validação sobre oportunidades de negócios para mulheres em uma cadeia de valor de energia em mudança na África Ocidental. Para Canadá, o workshop foi uma oportunidade importante para enfatizar o compromisso em promover a liderança das mulheres em África.
