The West African Solar Pack (WASP) is part of the delivery mechanism of the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE), led and hosted by ECREEE under the umbrella of MAMA-LIGHTÒ Initiative for Sustainable Energy. Based on the consolidated demand in the ECOWAS Member States, WASP offers a portfolio of selected solar products and solutions from trusted suppliers against competitive prices in combination with implementation support and technology transfer.
Under the guiding motto "NOW OR NEVER", the Guinea Bissau Sustainable Energy International Conference, held from 6 to 7 December 2018 in Bissau, had called for USD 700 million of investment. Now, another important mile-stone has been achieved.
From 20 – 24 May 2019, delegates from the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development Infrastructure Project Preparatory Facility (NEPAD- IPPF) visited the ECREEE Secretariat in Praia, Cape Verde. The purpose of the visit was to discuss the progress of the Feasibility Study on Business Opportunities for Women in a Changing Energy Value Chain in West Africa.
The UN policy compilation report “Accelerating SDG-7 Achievement" highlights the centres of the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centres (GN-SEC) as "success story" and an important contribution to accelerate the uptake of integrated and inclusive sustainable energy technology markets particularly in LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS. Moreover, in its key messages the report says:
Together with the Delegation of the European Union to Togo (EUD), GIZ and the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Togo, ARE will co-organise the 1-day Atelier Off-grid B2B Togo on 12 June 2019 in conjunction with the Togo-EU Economic Forum championed by the EUD in Lomé on 13-14 June 2019. The event is a must-attend for anyone interested in the Togolese off-grid and mini-grid market.
Abuja, May 2 - The delegation of the European Union (EU) to Nigeria and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has unveiled a solar tree at the EU Delegation Office Complex Abuja, to highlight the union’s commitment to renewable solar energy in Nigeria.
Ambassador of the EU to Nigeria and ECOWAS, Ketil Karlsen, unveiled the solar tree on Thursday to spotlight its current actions in Nigeria and as part of activities to highlight the use of the sun as a source of energy.
O ECREEE e a GIZ estão a implementar o projeto regional “Melhoramento da Governança do setor das ER e EE na África Ocidental (AGoSEREE-AO)”, financiado pela Cooperação Alemã e pela União Europeia. Dentre diversas atividades, a GIZ está a apoiar o ECREEE em:
a) Apoiar, através de assistência técnica (AT), o desenvolvimento de projetos de ER ligados à rede com potencial para se tornarem projetos importantes,