Access to Sustainable Energy for All with Gas

11/04/2013 - 08:30 a 11/05/2013 - 18:00

The International Gas Union and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in partnership with the ECOWAS Commission, ECREEE and Petroci, are jointly organizing a two-day seminar on Access to Sustainable Energy for All with Gas, in Côte d’Ivoire from the 4 to 5 of November 2013. The aim of the training is to provide a unique opportunity to share first-hand experiences of the options gas offers in the context of the economic development in the region.

Vast reserves of natural gas have been discovered in Sub-Sahara Africa, but only limited volumes are being utilized domestically. The potential for gas contributing to energy access Africa is huge, both in the producing countries and for other countries in the region. Moreover, there are important cross-links and complementarities regarding the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Under the established umbrella of the United Nations Sustainable Energy for All Initiative (SE4All), the training will seek to mobilize support for definitive actions leading to universal access to modern, affordable and reliable energy services across the ECOWAS region.


Golf Hotel, Cocody Riviera Golf
Ivory Coast

Event Documents: 

PDF icon Gas Seminar Flyer_EN622.45 KB
PDF icon Gas Seminar Flyer_FR614.18 KB