International Conference on Solar Energy in Development Cooperation

11/06/2014 - 14:45 a 11/07/2014 - 14:45

More than 2 billion people in developing countries do not have access to modern energy supplies. The need to create energy economies and energy infrastructures in developing countries, the decentralized energy demand in rural areas and the large solar resource in most of these countries are perfect conditions for implementing new technologies that utilize renewable energy sources. Moreover the increased use of locally available resources can contribute to many countries’ debt-relief efforts as the importation of energy is one of the contributing factors to high level of debts in developing countries. Solar thermal systems, photovoltaics, solar drying and solar cooking can help to build a sustainable energy system in developing countries and with the appropriate implementation provide local jobs.

The Austrian Development Agency in cooperation with AEE-INTEC, BSW Solar and GIZ sponsors an international conference on Solar Energy Technology in Development Cooperation from 06.11.2014 till 07.11.2014 in Frankfurt, Germany.                         

During the two-day conference participants will learn, discuss and share knowledge and experiences on realized projects, project financing instruments, and social, political and economic barriers for implementing solar technologies. The conference offers a forum for know-how transfer and exchange of experiences between international solar experts and people working in the field of development cooperation and development policies.

For all further details how to participate and submit papers to be presented during the conference, please see the attached folder of the conference.




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