Webinar Training on RETScreen 4

03/22/2016 - 10:00 a 03/30/2016 - 17:30

ECREEE in collaboration with Clean Energy Solution Center (CESC - USA) and RETScreen International is implementing a two-day Webinar Training of Trainer on Clean Energy Project Analysis with RETScreen 4, from March 22, 2016 to March 30, 2016.

The Webinar Training will be handled in English (22 and 23 of March) and in French (29 and 30 of March).

Time: 10 AM to 5:30 PM UTC (GMT)

The training is designed to be an updating of the previous RETScreen training, using the more recent version of the tool. It will be delivered by an expert accredited by RETScreen International and with a long experience on RETScreen trainings.

The prerequisites for following the webinar training are: Previous exposure to or use of RETScreen 4 (www.RETScreen.net );  RETScreen 4 and MS Excel (2003, 2007, 2010, or 2013) installed and operating; Previous experience with clean energy projects; good internet connection with sufficient high-speed bandwidth.

Please find below a short description of the webinar Training.

If you are interested in participate in the webinar training, you are kindly request to send an email to [email protected] with copy [email protected] no later than 14th of March 2016, with the following information:

·         Name and birthday

·         Background

·         Your actual organization (name and address)

·         Short description of your actual job (maximum 100 words)

·         Your CV (attached)

Female participants are highly encouraged to apply.


Cape Verde

Event Documents: