ECREEE COP 22 Side Event

Subnational Integration of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCS): Needs and Opportunities for Localizing Energy sector NDCs goals.

This Interactive Panel Discussion will highlight the needs and opportunities for effective coordination and integration of climate action between national and subnational governments. The specific objective is to sensitize by discussions the need for adaptable implementable strategies for integrating energy sector goals of the NDCs at the state and local government levels in order to raise ambitious commitments to scale up mitigation opportunities at the local level through renewable energy and energy efficiency.

The success of NDCs in achieving the objective of the Paris agreement will depend on the success of translating or converting targets and pledges in the NDCs into implementable policies and measures and would require an understanding of the role of national, sub-national, municipal, public and private entities in the implementation of these measures as local domestic action will be critical to leveraging the transformation of the pledges to concrete projects. In the case of energy, many big major cities and local communities have huge potentials that can be unlocked through greater deployment of renewable energy technologies and energy efficiency measures to achieve energy independence & sustainability. It is in this view that ECREEE intends to host a side event to deliberate on Subnational Integration of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCS): Needs and Opportunities for Localizing Energy sector NDCs goals with specific relevance to the ECOWAS member states.

The event will bring together policy makers, Key decision Makers, financiers, including the private sector and the civil society.

The event will be graced by Panelist from:

LEDS Global partnership, UNIDO, ICLEI, GHG Institute and Ministries of Energy from various ECOWAS member states amongst others.

If you will be in Marrakech during the COP22, it would be a pleasure for us to have you join our event.

For more information about the event contact:

Name: Adeola Adebiyi or John Yeboah

E-mail: [email protected]  [email protected]