Main Geographic Focus:
RE&EE Category Taxonomy:
- Biodiesel
- Biogas
- Biomassa para cozinhar
- Economic Indicators
- Technical indicators
- Energy Efficiency
- Building Efficiency
- Cleaner Production and Industry
- Distribution and Transmission Network
- Efficient Appliances
- Efficient Cooking
- Efficient Lighting
- Hybrid Systems
- Hidroenergia
- Mini-Grid Systems
- Foto voltaico
- ER&EE no geral
- Energia Eólica
- Other Energy Expertise
File Tag:
- Policy
- Key statistics
This document is the first Regional Progress Report that is based on the ‘Regional Monitoring and Reporting Framework for the ECOWAS Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Policies and the Sustainable Energy Country Action Plans’.
It shows that great advances are being made in areas like grid-connected solar PV and the development of the market of small, affordable PV systems for lighting and other basic energy needs. The report provides the relevant information on the renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy access sector for the year 2016.