TESE – Development Association / Engineers Without Borders (EWB) is executing the EU Bambadinca Sta Claro – Community Programme for Access to Renewable Energy, contract nº2011/231-830, has as specific objective ensure sustainable access to electricity through renewable energy to the village of Bambadinca, Bafatá Region, in Guinea-Bissau.
Reference: Tariff Setting _ PCAER 2011/231-830
Develop the tariff proposal and a set of complementary tools to be implemented in the energy service of Bambadinca, in close coordination with the project team and given the principles participatively established with community representatives.
Clarifications on these ToR
Clarifications on these ToR may be submitted by email, to [email protected] and cc to [email protected] , until March 8th 2013.
TESE-EWB will respond to all questions up to March 11th 2013.
Proposal Submission
Applications must be submitted until 12.00 hours, March 18th, 2013 to [email protected] and cc to [email protected] . Applications are accepted in Portuguese or in English
You can download the ToR here.
More information about the project can be found at ECOWREX by clicking here.