In this section you will find the latest publications of ECREEE, including reports, brochures and other information materials . Other technical publications are also available at the ECOWAS Observatory for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECOWREX).
ECOWAS Bioenergy Policy The purpose of this ECOWAS Bioenergy Policy framework is to promote partnership and ownership and to provide guidance to ECOWAS Member States in developing national policies and regulations for sustainable and socially friendly bioenergy policies and implementation plans. It was initiated with a view of providing guidelines to enhance energy security and access without compromising food security or rural development in West Africa, as part of the contribution of the ECOWAS Commission to the SE4ALL initiative. |
Micro-réseaux photovoltaïques hybrides
Ce guide vise à donner aux techniciens responsables de la conception de projets d’électrification rurale, des outils et critères pour une première analyse de faisabilité lorsque l‘on considère la possibilité d’utiliser les micro-réseaux photovoltaïques hybrides comme alternative aux systèmes classiques d’extension du réseau ou systèmes basés sur le diesel. Néanmoins, malgré un certain contenu technique, les décideurs au sein des institutions en charge des programmes d‘électrification rurale, du financement de l‘électrification, les bailleurs de fonds, et même les intervenants privés – entreprises ou ONG – trouveront dans ce document des informations utiles permettant d‘éclairer les décisions relatives aux micro-réseaux photovoltaïques hybrides à destination de l‘électrification rurale. Malgré l’approche du guide centré sur l’Afrique Occidentale, la méthodologie technique exposée est extensible à d’autres régions des pays en développement.
The ECOWAS Sustainable Energy Journal (ESEJ) The ECOWAS Sustainable Energy Journal (ESEJ) is a peer reviewed journal published annually by ECREEE. ESEJ encompasses the qualities ECREEE promotes, such as evidence-based decision-making and presentation of practical, implementable and measurable solutions. In addition to these is inclusion, for youth and women. This edition is particularly special because the research articles were developed through the ‘ECOWAS initiative on Youth Leadership Development in Energy’.
Managing Resources for Sustainable Development West African countries are faced with ever-increasing demands for food, water and energy, a challenge compounded by climate change. The region is confronted with significant challenges in the way it manages and utilizes water, energy, and food. Isolated management of these resources creates barriers to harnessing the benefits of the nexus approach. These benefits include enhancing water, energy, and food security by increasing efficiency, reducing trade-offs, building synergies, and improving governance across the sectors. |
Regional Progress Report 2016 on renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy access in the ECOWAS region This document is the first Regional Progress Report on renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy access in ECOWAS region. It is based on the ‘Regional Monitoring and Reporting Framework for the ECOWAS Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Policies and the Sustainable Energy Country Action Plans'. |
ECOWAS SE4ALL Action Plans Consolidation Report
From Vision to Coordinated Action. Consolidation of SE4ALL Action Agendas, National Renewable Energy Action Plans, and National Energy Efficiency Action Plans of the ECOWAS Region countries
For more information on the ECREEE SE4ALL NETWORK please visit: |
Grid-Connected Renewable Energy Flagship Projects One of the barriers to accelerated market development is the limited level of knowledge and experience with RE technologies as well as with RE project development. To address this gap, ECREEE in cooperation with GIZ embarked on an initiative to document and disseminate the experience with some of the first grid-connected, utility-scale RE projects in the region. |
ECOWAS NDC SPOTLIGHT MAGAZINE The Publication provides the status of implementation of energy sector NDC goals and commitments in the ECOWAS Region towards the achievement of the Paris Agreement. Launched at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Twenty Third Conference of Parties “UNFCCC COP23”on the 9th of November 2017. |
Avaliação da Capacidade de Penetração de Energia Renovável na Rede Elétrica da Ilha da Boa Vista
Este artigo tem o propósito de avaliar o comportamento da rede elétrica |
ECOWAS Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Status Report
The ECOWAS Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Status Report, produced collaboratively by REN21 and ECREEE, provides a regional perspective on the renewable energy and energy efficiency market and industry development in West Africa.
Launched November 10, 2014, the report concludes that renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies have rapidly become cost effective solutions for overcoming the diverse array of energy challenges currently facing the ECOWAS region.
Mapping and Assessment of Existing Clean Energy Mini-Grid Experiences in West Africa The report “Mapping and Assessment of Existing Clean Energy Mini-Grid Experiences in West Africa” was released at the High-level Workshop on Energy Access in West Africa in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. Among other important issues discussed, the report provides orientation regarding financial schemes, management models and technology to face current energy challenges. |
ECOWAS Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Policies |
Study Report on Novel Bioenergy Crop Potential in the ECOWAS Region
The project "Regional potential assessment of novel bio energy crops in fifteen ECOWAS countries" was started by the different project partners (ECREEE, UNIDO, IIBN and QUINVITA) based on the need to make an overall assessment of a series of novel potential bio energy crops which can or could be grown and processed in the future in the 15 ECOWAS countries. This project fits in a broader strategic analysis of alternative energy needs and production, the key mandate of the main funding partner in the project, ECREEE.
Light and Livelihood - A Bright Outlook for Employment
This study examines the impact of a market transformation to off-grid lighting in terms of job loss and job creation. It focuses on the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), where 178 million people lack access to the electricity grid.
Lifting the Darkness - Effects of Fuel Subsidies
This research explores how subsidies can impede the entry of efficient lighting technologies into off-grid markets. The issue of fuel subsidies is key to understanding the dynamics of the off-grid lighting market.
Light for Life - Health and Safety Impacts of Fuel-Based Lighting
The 1.3 billion people around the world who earn approximately one dollar per day pay a much higher percentage of their income for low-grade and polluting fuel-based illumination than people who have regular access to electric lighting.
Critical Analysis and Action Strategies
Obstacles to the use of renewable energies and energy efficiency in the framework of a regional climate change policy in West Africa.