ECREEE is the coordinating and/or implementing agency for several internationally financed sustainable energy programs and projects. The participation in international call for proposals in cooperation with other partners is a core activity of the Centre. Currently, the Centre implements the following programs/projects:
- Supporting Energy Efficiency for Access in West Africa (SEEA-WA) Project, funded by the European Union through the Energy Facility.
- Regional GEF project "Promoting Regional Coordination, Coherence and Knowledge Management under the Energy Component of the GEF Strategic Programme for West Africa (SPWA)", in cooperation with UNIDO
- National GEF project “Global Environment Facility - Cabo Verde (GEF-CV)”
- National GEF project "Promoting investments into small to medium scale renewable energy technologies in the electricity sector of Guinea Bissau"
- West Africa Clean Cooking Alliance
- The ECOWAS Small Scale Hydro Power Program
- The ECOWAS Renewable Energy Facility (EREF) for rural and peri-urban areas
- the ECOWAS Renewable Energy Policy Project, co-funded by the Africa-EU Renewable Energy Cooperation Programme (RECP) and GEF-UNIDO
- the Certified distant-learning programme on sustainable energy for West African experts of utilities, regulators and IPPs in cooperation with Columbia University in New York
- the Research Project "Development of a cost-effective, Modular and Dry Concentrating Solar Power for Africa: Design and Test of Components", with support from the ACP-EU Research for Sustainable Development Program;
- ECOWAS Sustainable Biomass Actoins: REDD+ Mechanism
- ECREEE Climate Change Program
- ECOWAS Renewable Energy Entrepreneurship Support Facility
- EPASES - ECOWAS Programme on Access to Sustainable Electricity Services
- ROGEP - Regional Off-Grid Electrification Project
- AGoSEREE-AO - Improving the Governance of the RE & EE sector in West Africa