Africa Renewable Energy Forum (ARF)

Wednesday, November 2, 2016 - 08:00 to Friday, November 4, 2016 - 18:00

In partnership with Global Nexus, IRESEN, ONEE and the Department of Energy in South Africa, EnergyNet is delighted to present the Africa Renewable Energy Forum (ARF) from 2-4 November 2016 at the Four Seasons Resort in Marrakech. 

ARF has been awarded the ‘Official International Renewable Energy Side Meeting of COP22 – Morocco’ for AllAfrica, to support the on-going implementation of the Paris Agreement. 

The meeting will provide a project-focused renewable energy platform for business development, welcoming African ministers and government representatives, pioneering renewable energy developers, technology providers, leading investors and multilateral agencies to outline the role of renewable energy in Africa’s climate change strategy and explore unique project development opportunities across the continent.

Already confirmed to attend are 11 Government Ministers and Senior Government Representatives and 6 Heads of Utilities from across Africa who will talk about their renewable energy plans and specific projects they have in the pipeline, thus allowing the private sector to engage in discussions with the public sector on how they can contribute to moving these projects forward.
To view the full agenda download the brochure

The forum will also have focused discussions on how the private sector can contribute to off- grid projects, the contribution of IPPs in Sub Saharan Africa and the commitments DFI’s are making to renewable energy development in Africa.

15% registration discount available for ECREEE network

If you would like to register your place contact us at [email protected] quoting ARF_ECREEE or register online.

