Past Events

ECOWAS/GBEP Workshop on the Piloting of GBEP Sustainability Indicators

In the ECOWAS region, biomass has become a predominant source of domestic energy, most of which is unsustainably harvested and utilized. Traditional biomass (firewood and charcoal) represents the bulk of the final energy consumption, reaching up to 70-85% in some of the countries, which is negatively impacting on the environment, economy as well as on the lives of the people.

Access to Sustainable Energy for All with Gas

The International Gas Union and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in partnership with the ECOWAS Commission, ECREEE and Petroci, are jointly organizing a two-day seminar on Access to Sustainable Energy for All with Gas, in Côte d’Ivoire from the 4 to 5 of November 2013. The aim of the training is to provide a unique opportunity to share first-hand experiences of the options gas offers in the context of the economic development in the region.

ECOWAS Wind Energy Workshop

The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE), in collaboration with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Energy of Cape Verde and CABEOLICA are jointly organizing a five-day workshop on wind power development from 4 to 8 of November 2013, in Praia, Cape Verde.

ECOWAS workshop on appliance standards and regulations

ECREEE in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) en.lighten initiative and Super-efficient Equipment and Appliance Deployment (SEAD) Initiative, are organizing a workshop from the 1st to 3rd of October 2013, in Cotonou, Benin.

Regional Training Workshop on the Promotion of National Renewable Energy Policies and Incentive Schemes in the ECOWAS Member States

ECREEE and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) are jointly organising two training workshops on the Promotion of National Renewable Energy Policies and Incentive Schemes for participants from the 15 ECOWAS Member States.  The Workshops will take place back-to-back from 9-13 and 16-20 September 2013.

Multi-Thematic Workshop on the Development of the Regional Efficient Lighting Strategy in ECOWAS

ECREEE in conjunction with UNEP and with support from Club ER will be organizing a Multi-thematic workshop on efficient lighting in the ECOWAS region from the 2 to 3 of July 2013 in Dakar Senegal.

ECREEE Regional Training of Trainers Workshop: HOMER software for Renewable Energy project design


1st ECOWAS Conference and Training on CSP

O Centro para as Energias Renováveis ​​e Eficiência Energética da CEDEAO (ECREEE) está a organizar uma  formação de quatro dias sobre centrais solares de concentração (CSP), no âmbito da assistência Técnica que o CENER vem proporcionando ao ECREEE, no sentido de avaliar o potencial dos CSP na região da CEDEAO , a ter lugar na Cidade da Praia, Cabo Verde ,de 17 a 20 de Junho de 2013.

VEF Side Event: Regional Sustainable Energy Centers in Africa

O Sector para Energia e Mudanças Climáticas da Organização das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento Industrial (ONUDI), em estreita colaboração com o Centro para as Energias Renováveis ​​e Eficiência Energética da CEDEAO (ECREEE) e o Fórum Global sobre Energia Sustentável (GFSE), estão organizando um evento paralelo do VEF  sobre centros regionais ​​de Energia sustentável em África: visando a criação de mercados regionais , por forma a apoiar a Década da Energia Sustentável para Todos (SE4ALL

Vienna Energy Forum 2013

O ECREEE e uma delegação da CEDEAO de alto nível, liderada pelo presidente da CEDEAO, participarão no próximo Fórum de Viena sobre a Energia, que terá lugar de 28 a 30 de Maio de 2013. O presidente irá anunciar a contribuição voluntária da CEDEAO para a Iniciativa no sector da energia Sustentável para Todos (SE4ALL).
