Past Events

Training on Small and Medium Scale Hydropower Project Development in Austria

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O Centro para as Energias Renováveis ​​e Eficiência Energética da CEDEAO (ECREEE) e a Organização das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento Industrial (ONUDI) estão organizando uma formação sobre o desenvolvimento de projectos de centrais hidroelétricas de pequena e média dimensão para os especialistas da região da CEDEAO e outras partes interessadas da África subsaariana.

Integrating Clean Energy Regulation into evolving energy markets

A Associação Nacional dos Comissários de Regulação de serviços públicos (NARUC), a Agência Cabo-verdiana de Regulação Económica (ARE), a autoridade reguladora Regional do sector da electricidade da CEDEAO (ERERA) e o Centro para as Energias Renováveis ​​e Eficiência Energética da CEDEAO (ECREEE) estão a organizar conjuntamente um seminário técnico de três dias sobre a Integração da Regulação da Energia Limpa nos Mercados de Energia em evolução  no âmbito de uma parcer

High level conference on women's economic empowerment through energy access opens in Freetown

O Governo da Serra Leoa, a União do Rio Mano (MRU), o Centro para as Energias Renováveis e Eficiência Energética da CEDEAO (CEREEC), a Organização das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento Industrial (ONUDI) e o Banco Africano de Desenvolvimento (BAD), vão organizar conjuntamente, uma Conferência de Alto Nível sobre " o empoderamento econômico das mulheres através do acesso a serviços energéticos na Sub-região do MRU", a realizar-se no Tokeh Beach, em Freetown, na Serra Leoa de 7 a 9 de Maio d

Regional Workshop on the West Africa Clean Cooking Alliance (WACCA)

O Centro da CEDEAO para as Energias Renováveis ​​e Eficiência Energética (ECREEE) iniciou uma iniciativa regional em matéria de energia para Cozinha intitulada “Aliança da África Ocidental para cozinhas Limpas” (WACCA). A iniciativa foi lançada oficialmente durante o Fórum de Alto Nível da CEDEAO sobre Energia que decorreu em Accra,  Gana, no dia 30 de Outubro de 2012.


As part of implementation the ECOWAS policy on energy efficiency, ECREEE and UNEP/GEF/en.lighten organized a workshop on the 22 April 2013 in Ouagadougou, Burkina-Faso to launch the activities of the efficient lighting initiative in West African.

ECOWAS-GFSE-GEF-UNIDO High Level Energy Forum “Towards Sustainable Energy For All in West Africa. Paving the Way through Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency"


The Accra International Conference Centre (AICC)

2nd Technical Committee Meeting of the ECOWAS Observatory for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

ECREEE is organizing the 2nd Technical Committee and National data collection Meeting of the ECOWAS Observatory for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECOWREX), from the 28th to 29th of October in Accra, Ghana. It will be followed by the ECOWAS-GFSE-GEF-UNIDO high level forum scheduled from the 29th to 31th of October, during which the Observatory will be launched.The agenda for the meeting includes:

2nd Biomass West & Central Africa Congress 2012

2nd Biomass West & Central Africa Congress 2012 is now scheduled to hold in Accra, Ghana from 04th to 05th October 2012. This premier networking and content-driven congress will gather key representatives from both the Regional Government Authorities & Industry stakeholders from forestry, wood pellets, wood chips, agri based biomass and bioenergy power generation.

ECOWAS Renewable Energy Investment and Business Forum

ECREEE and the African Development Bank (AfDB) jointly organised the ECOWAS Renewable Energy Investment and Business Forum in Dakar, Senegal from the 27th to 28th of September 2012 . The Forum which is the first major milestone under the ECOWAS Renewable Energy Investment and Business Initiative (EREI) brought together over 90 participants from the ECOWAS region, Europe and the USA.

ECREEE Validation Workshop on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Policies and Scenarios for West Africa


The Commission of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) works towards a voluntary commitment to the Sustainable Energy For All Initiative of the UN Secretary General presented at the Rio+20. In a regional workshop, held from 25 to 27 June 2012 in Dakar, Senegal, the Directors of the ECOWAS Ministries of Energy agreed on the main targets and pillars of a regional renewable energy and energy efficiency policy of ECOWAS.
