Past Events

Workshop for the development of the ECOWAS Program on Solar Thermal Energy Training and Demonstration

The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency - ECREEE, organized a program definition workshop on the development of an ECOWAS   Solar Thermal Energy capacity building and Demonstration Program  on 13th and 14th of June, in Praia, Cabo Verde.

Regional Workshop and Training on Energy Efficiency in Buildings - Praia, Cabo Verde

The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) in collaboration with the European Union, the Government of Cabo Verde, Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l'Energie (ADEME) and Institut de la Francophonie pour le développement durable (IDFF), organized a training workshop on Energy Efficiency in Builldings, in Praia, Cabo Verde from the 9th to 13th of June 2014.

National Training Workshop on the use of HOMER software - Freetown, Sierra Leone

The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) and UNIDO are organising a 2-day training on the use of HOMER software for RE project design, from 29 to 30 May in Freetown, Sierra Leone.

Atelier National de Formation sur le logiciel HOMER - Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

L'Institut International d'Ingénierie de l'Eau et de l'Environnement (2iE) et le Centre pour les Énergies Renouvelables et l'Efficacité Energétique de la CEDEAO (CEREEC) organisent une formation de deux (2) jours sur HOMER comme un outil pour la conception des projets d'énergies renouvelables (EnR) du 22 au 23 mai à Ouagadougou, Burki

Sub-Saharan Africa Solar Conference 2014

Atelier National de Formation sur le logiciel HOMER - Yamoussoukro, Côte d'Ivoire

L'Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouet-Boigny (INP-HB) et le Centre pour les Énergies Renouvelables et l'Efficacité Energétique de la CEDEAO (CEREEC) organisent une formation de deux (2) jours sur HOMER comme un outil pour la conception des projets d'énergies renouvelables (EnR) du 26 au 27 Mars au INP-HB, Yamoussoukro, Côte d'Ivoire.

Kick-off Meeting of the ACP-EU project on Promoting Geospatial Technology in West Africa

ECREEE in partnership with the University of Geneva, Noveltis, the Energy Center, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) and the Directorate of Energy, Cape Verde, are undertaking a project on “Promoting sustainable energy access through the use of geospatial technologies in West Africa”.

National Training Workshop on the use of HOMER software - Lagos, Nigeria

The National Centre for Energy Efficiency and Conservation (NCEEC) and the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) are organising a 3-day training on the use of HOMER software for RE project design, from 18 to 20 March in Lagos, Nigeria.

The training will use theoretical concepts, simulations and practical exercises about existing and planned projects in order to prepare the participants in the use of HOMER.

KICK OFF MEETING: Towards the implementation of the ECOWAS RE and EE Policies and the SE4ALL Initiative

The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) and its partners  jointly organized the ECOWAS launch of the National Action Plans in regard to the implementation of the ECOWAS RE and EE policies and the SE4ALL Initiative from the 17-20 March 2014, in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire. In the context of the UN Sustainable Energy For All Initiative (SE4All), the event brought  together stakeholders from the ECOWAS Member States.

Workshop sobre o software HOMER para simulação de projetos de Energias Renováveis

O Departamento de Engenharia e Ciências do Mar (DECM) da Universidade de Cabo Verde (Uni-CV) está a organizar, com o apoio do Centro para as Energias Renováveis e a Eficiência Energética da CEDEAO (ECREEE), uma formação de dois dias para utilização do software Homer, ferramenta de apoio a projectos de sistemas de energias renováveis, nos dias 17 e 18 de Fevereiro de 2014, no Campus de Ribeira de Julião, Mindelo, São Vicente.
