Past Events

ECOWAS Capacity Building Workshop on Sustainable Management of Forest (SMF) with a focus on REDD+

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A workshop on sustainable management of forest with a focus on REDD+ was organised by ECREEE and its partners in Niamey from 27-29 April 2015 with the aim of enhancing capacities of member states on sustainable supply of woody biomass. The objective of the workshop was to share information and knowledge to enhance capacities of relevant actors within the wood energy sector value-chain.

Specific objectives of the workshop were as follow:

Formação sobre o software COMFAR - Mindelo

O Centro para as Energias Renováveis e Eficiência Energética da CEDEAO (ECREEE), a Organização das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento Industrial (ONUDI) e a Agência para o Desenvolvimento Empresarial e Inovação (ADEI)  estão a organizar uma formação sobre Análise Financeira de Cenários de Projetos de Investimentos com base no software COMFAR.

Kick off Meeting and Regional Technical training ECOWAS Solar Thermal Energy Training and Demonstration Program - “SOLtrain West Africa”

As part of the efforts of ECREEE to promote the use of sustainable and renewable energy resources and technologies in West Africa, ECREEE will launch the ECOWAS Solar Thermal Training and Demonstration Program (in short: SOLtrain West Africa) on the 201th of April 2015 at the CERMI, Centre for Renewable Energy and Industrial Maintenance - Praia, Cabo Verde

Formação sobre o software COMFAR - Praia

O Centro para as Energias Renováveis e Eficiência Energética da CEDEAO (ECREEE), a Organização das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento Industrial (ONUDI) e a Agência para o Desenvolvimento Empresarial e Inovação (ADEI)  estão a organizar uma formação sobre Análise Financeira de Cenários de Projetos de Investimentos com base no software COMFAR.

Regional Workshop: ECOWAS RE & EE National Action Plans and SE4ALL Action Agendas

The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE), in collaboration with the African Development Bank, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, GIZ, the Spanish Development Cooperation and the Austrian Development Cooperation, organised a working meeting on the development of the ECOWAS Renewable Energy & Energy Efficient National Action Plans and SE4ALL Action Agendas which took place from the 24 – 25 March, 2015 in Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire.

Regional Workshop: ECOWAS RE & EE National Action Plans and SE4ALL Action Agendas - March 24 - 25, 2015 - Abidjan, Cote D'Ivoire

ECOWAS Hands-On Training: Renewable energy (hybrid) mini-grid systems for rural electrification in West Africa

Atelier National de formation sur le logiciel HOMER - N'Djamena, Tchad

Le Centre pour les Énergies Renouvelables et l'Efficacité Energétique de la CEDEAO (CEREEC) organise, un partenariat avec l'ONUDI, une formation de cinq (5) jours sur HOMER comme un outil pour la conception des projets d'énergies renouvelables (EnR) du 15 à 19 décembre à N'Djamena, Tchad.

Formação para o software de simulação HOMER - Bissau

Nota: A formação, antes agendada para 01 a 04 de dezembro, foi adiada para 08 a 11 de dezembro por motivos logísticos. Agradecemos a sua compreensão. 


AfricaSolar 2014: 2nd edition of the International Conference on Solar Energy in Africa

2iE and the Ministry of Mining and energy of burkina Faso in partnership with The University of Ouagadougou and the University of Perpignan are convening the 2nd edition of AfricaSolar, the international gathering of solar power’s stakeholders in Africa.

This event is planned to last from November 20th to 22nd and will gather about 300 attendants around the theme: « Solar Market in Africa, Strenghts and weaknesses ».
