ECREEE in partnership with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) conducted the first ever international conference on off-grid renewable energy, from 1- 2 November 2012, in Accra, Ghana.
The 11th Meeting of ECOWAS Energy Ministers held on 31st October 2012 on the occasion of the ECOWAS High Level Energy Forum which held from 29 – 31 October 2012. The meeting was convened by the ECOWAS Commission, in collaboration with The Government of the Republic of Ghana, and was chaired by the Honourable Oluniyi Robbin-Coker, Minister of Energy and Water Resources of the Republic of Sierra Leone.
The launch of the ECOWAS Observatory for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECOWREX) at the High Level Forum, on the 31th of October, in Accra, Ghana, marked a giant step towards addressing the existing knowledge and information barriers hindering development in the energy sector in West Africa.
The ECOWAS Commission, through ECREEE, and in collaboration with the Government of Ghana, the Global Forum on Sustainable Energy (GFSE), the Global Environment Fund (GEF) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) organised a high level energy forum in Accra, Ghana, from October 29 – 31, 2012, under the theme Towards Sustainable Energy for All in West Africa: Paving the way through Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency.
The Super-Efficient Equipment and Appliance Deployment (SEAD) initiative under the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) is supporting the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) towards achieving its regional energy efficiency objective of doubling the annual improvement in energy efficiency by 2020. This will serve to build up significant potential for accelerating efficiency improvements in the region.
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) hereby invites you to submit a Proposal to this Request for Proposal (RFP) for the following consultancy for: Promotion of national RE policies and incentive schemes in the ECOWAS member countries.
As part of its contribution to building national and sub-regional capacity in developing sustainable energy systems, The Energy Center (TEC) of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) Kumasi, Ghana, is organising the next series of regular short courses in renewable energy in the month of May this year.
TESE – Development Association / Engineers Without Borders (EWB) is executing the EUBambadinca Sta Claro – Community Programme for Access to Renewable Energy, contract nº2011/231-830, has as specific objective ensure sustainable access to electricity through renewable energy to the village of Bambadinca, Bafatá Region, in Guinea-Bissau.
The ECOWAS Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE), the Climate Technology Initiative – Private Financing Advisory Network (CTI-PFAN) and the Regional Clean Energy Investment Initiative (RCEII) of the U.S.