ECOWAS Hands-On Training: Renewable energy (hybrid) mini-grid systems for rural electrification in West Africa

Monday, March 9, 2015 - 08:00 to Thursday, March 12, 2015 - 13:00

The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE), is organizing a Hands-on Training on Renewable Energy (Hybrid) Mini-Grid Systems for Rural Electrification in West Africa, from 09 to 12 March 2015 in Bissau, Guinea Bissau, in collaboration with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Government of Guinea Bissau

The training is undertaken in the context of the GEF Project - “Promoting investments into small and medium sized renewable energy technologies in the electricity sector of Guinea Bissau” and the development of a regional renewable energy mini-grid project for the entire ECOWAS region.

The purpose of this initiative is to promote the contribution of renewable energy technologies to the ECREEE regional rural electrification program, enhance the understanding of the different technologies solutions and financial schemes needed for the complete development of the different phases of a renewable energy rural electrification project.

In parallel to the hands-on training, some specific subjects will be presented and discussed, such as the:

  • ECREEE Rural Electrification Program 2015-2020;
  • UNIDO-ECREEE GEF-5 Project “Promoting investments into small and medium sized renewable energy technologies in the electricity sector of Guinea Bissau”;
  • ECREEE-UNIDO GEF-6 proposal for a regional program on renewable energy based (hybrid) mini-grids.

The vision of the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency is to contribute to the achievement of the ambitious goals set in the ECOWAS Renewable Energy Policy adopted by the Heads of States. ECREEE, through the Rural Electrification program (ERuReP) 2015-2020, aims to contribute to the achievement of the targets set in the policy, supplying 25% of rural population with mini-grid and stand-alone systems. This training workshop is being organized in line with this vision.

Some practical outcomes are expected with the realization of the activity. For instance, the participants will be able increase their policy and techno-economical knowledge regarding the promotion, implementation, management, operation and maintenance of clean energy and hybrid mini-grids. They will be able to identify and apply the most suitable mechanisms to promote clean energy and hybrid mini-grids in their countries, additionally, the participants will understand peculiarities of clean energy and hybrid mini-grids, and strength cross-country networking on clean energy and hybrid mini-grids.

This initiative will contribute to increase the quantity of local stakeholders capable to design, implement and maintain renewable energy rural electrification projects in all ECOWAS Member States, and to increase the number of RE rural electrification projects implemented in the region.

To access more detailed information, please download the concept note attached.


Azalai Hotel (24 de Setembro)

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