Call for proposals: Technical Assistance for the elaboration of the ECREEE communication strategy document (2015 -2020)

On 12 November 2007, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) organized a conference on peace and security in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. The Ouagadougou Declaration highlighted the need for regional cooperation in various sectors. In the energy sector, the declaration articulated the need to establish a specialized Centre to promote clean, efficient and affordable energy. The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) was therefore established as a consequence. The ECOWAS/UEMOA White Paper on access to energy services in rural and peri-urban areas had expressed the need for such a regional agency already in 2006.  The foundation for the Centre was laid by Regulation C/REG.23/11/08 of the 61st Session of ECOWAS Council of Ministers in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, on November 23, 2008. ECREEE is a specialized agency which acts as an independent body but within the legal, administrative and financial framework of ECOWAS rules and regulations.

Facing the current institutional framework, the communication unit of ECREEE is requesting proposals of consultancy for the elaboration of the 2015 – 2020 communication strategy, aiming the improvement of the communication process among ECREEE’s core stakeholders. The communication strategy to be developed will be targeted but not limited to:

  • Building, strengthening and maintaining a stronger relationship with the core partners;
  • Enhancing and maintaining a good relationships with the media (regional and international), as a process to reach and communicate strategically to the different stakeholders;
  • Strengthening and maintaining a close relationships with the National Focal Institutions;
  • Gaining visibility and raise awareness within the general public by keeping them informed about ECREEE’s activities.

Due to the nature of the service being requested, the consulting company should assign a consultant who will be based at ECREEE’s headquarters, in order to provide the services. ECREEE will make the necessary logistic arrangements to provide a workstation to the consultant at its headquarters during the period of the assignment. 

ECREEE will be accepting applications until December 12th, 2014 through the following e-mails: [email protected] & [email protected];

For more information regarding the necessary documents for the application, the evaluation processs and the profile expected, ECREEE makes avalable the terms of reference attached.