Call for Proposals: USD 50 million available for renewable energy projects

The sixth funding cycle of the IRENA/Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD) Project Facility is now open! This latest cycle offers ~USD 50 million in concessional loans from ADFD.

Background information on the sixth cycle is available in English, Français and Español

The Facility is welcoming summary project proposals until 15th February 2018 from renewable energy projects in developing countries, that are at feasibility study stage and have the support of the central government.

ADFD funding offer:

  • USD 5 million to USD 15 million per project, covering up to 50% of the total project cost.
  • Loan rates of 1 to 2%, 20-year loan period including a 5-year grace period.
  • Government guarantee required for the ADFD loan (usually from the Ministry of Finance).

Apply now at and register for our webinar on 22nd November 2017 to learn more.

For additional information, please contact [email protected].