Dakar, March 20th 2019 – The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy of Senegal in collaboration of the ECOWAS Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) organized the Second Meeting of the Multi-stakeholders Task Force for off-grid electrification in Senegal. The meeting provided an opportunity to present the progress made in the implementation of the Regional Off-Grid Electrification Project (ROGEP).
In order to facilitate continuous involvement of all the relevant stakeholders in the off-grid subsector, ROGEP is supporting the creation of multi-stakeholders task force, in each country. The objective of this task force is to develop synergies between programs and projects of clean energy source, continuous follow-up of various commitments made by decisions makers and the establishment of an enabling environment for their development
Senegal has established through the ministerial Order 017 929 of August 2018, a framework for consultation of stakeholders around all issues related to the promotion of such technology.
To fulfil the missions defined in the framework, an action plan for the year 2019 has been elaborated with the participation of the stakeholders. Thus for a better involvement of the actors and to further promote the sharing of experiences so that the sector moves forward, the second meeting was organized.
The meeting provided a platform to share information regarding the status of the ECREEE – Regional Off-Grid Electrification Project (ROGEP). Mr. Hamadou TCHIEMOGO, Technical Coordinator of the project, presented the progress made in the implementation of the ROGEP preparation phase.
This second meeting has gathered more than 30 participants from public and Private sectors, financial institutions, civil society, development partners and mass media. Discussion focused among others, on the followings:
- Presentation and validation of the 2019 action plan;
- Presentation and validations 3 subcommittees for working groups( Synergies and Coordination actions subcommittee; Favourable framework for the development of the off-grid sector subcommittee and Funding mobilization subcommittee);
- Presentation of the Nadjibi project;
- Presentation of the progress of the ROGEP.