National Action Plans


In July 2013, the Authority of ECOWAS Heads of State and Government renewed its commitment to the provision of access to sustainable energy services in West Africa by adopting two path-breaking policies - the ECOWAS Renewable Energy Policy (EREP), which aims to increase the share of renewable energy in the region’s overall electricity mix to 35% in 2020 and 48% in 2030; and the ECOWAS Energy Efficiency Policy (EEEP), which aims to implement measures that free 2000 MW of power generation capacity and in the long term, more than double the annual improvement in energy efficiency, so as to attain levels comparable to those of world leaders. The policies include a broad range of RE&EE measures to be implemented at regional and national levels, and represent the ECOWAS contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL). Based on a mandate by the ECOWAS authorities to coordinate the implementation of the regional policies as well the SE4ALL Initiative in West Africa, the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) is currently assisting the ECOWAS Member States to develop a coherent and aligned roadmap process.
For the development, implementation and monitoring of the National Renewable Energy Action Plans, National Energy Efficiency Action Plans, and the SE4ALL Action Agenda to ensure attainment of the regional targets by 2020 and 2030 in the ECOWAS Member States.


In order to implement the regional RE and EE policies and the SE4ALL Initiative in West Africa, ECREEE has developed a regional framework for the development, implementation and monitoring of National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAPs), National Energy Efficiency Action Plans (NEEAPSs), and SE4ALL Action Agendas. This framework was discussed and adopted by the Member States at a regional meeting held in March 2014 in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire. Comprehensive action plan templates were developed and are currently being applied by all ECOWAS countries. It is envisaged that the SE4ALL Action Agendas as well as the RE and the EE Action Plans in all 15 ECOWAS countries will be finalized by the end of 2014. 
To see an overview of the framework strategy for developing the action plans, and a summary of the current status of the process in each of the 15 ECOWAS Member States, please download the status report on the ECOWAS Process and Strategy on the Development of the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) Action Agendas, National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAPs) and National Energy Efficiency Action Plans (NEEAPs). 

Project Coordinators

Mr. Hyacinth Elayo ([email protected])
Ms. Karin Reiss ([email protected]
Mr. Ibrahim Soumaila ([email protected]