Organizational Structure
ECREEE is a specialized agency which acts as an independent body but within the legal, administrative and financial framework of the ECOWAS rules and regulations. The legal status, the governance structure and mission statement are defined in the headquarters agreement signed between Cape Verde and the ECOWAS Commission and the enabling Rule PEC/ER/1/01/11 adopted by ECOWAS in 2010. The enabling rule defines the institutional structure of the Centre and delegates’ day-to-day management and decision-making authorities to the bodies and the Centre’s Executive Director. The Centre adheres to the staff, procurement and financial regulations of ECOWAS. The institutional structure of the Centre includes: the Secretariat based in Praia, Cape Verde
- the Executive Board (EB)
- the Technical Committee (TC)
- the National Focal Institutions (NFIs) in the 15 ECOWAS member states
The Executive Board (EB)
The EB is the highest decision-making body of ECREEE, which provides strategic guidance including:
- approval of its annual work plans, progress and audit reports, financial statements, and organizational structure of ECREEE;
- review the composition and membership of the Board and the Techinical Committee;
- ensure ECREEE’s visibility and support its mission at the political level within the ECOWAS region and international Community and;
- monitor the overall performance of ECREEE in alignment with its missions and objectives
The Executive Board has a total membership of nine (9) consisting of :
- Three (3) Representatives from the ECOWAS Commission comprising: the Commissioner for Infrastructure; the Commissioner for Administration and Finance; and the Director for Legal Affairs;
- One (1) Representative from ECOWAS Energy Ministers;
- One (1) Representative from ECOWAS Environment Ministers;
- Three (3) Representatives from Donor or Multilateral Agencies;
- One (1) Energy Expert from the ECOWAS Region;
- The Executive Director of ECREEE.
The Technical Committee (TC)
The Technical Committee provides technical guidance to the EB and Secretariat of ECREEE, including the following:
- provides technical advice and recommendations to the Board Members and the ECREEE Secretariat;
- reviews the annual status (progress) report, annual work plan, the annual budget and other strategic documents of ECREEE and makes recommendations to the Board;
- provides a channel for ECREEE to reach out to the key actors in promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency in the region.
The Technical Committee is made up of the following representatives:
- Three (3) Representatives from the ECOWAS Commission (Energy, Environment, Private Sector Department);
- Two (2) Representatives from the ECOWAS Member States (Energy, Environment);
- One (1) Representative from each contributing donor;
- One (1) Representative from Energy Enterprises/the private sector in the region;
- One (1) Representative from Energy Training/Research Institutions/NGOs in the region;
- One (1) representative each from WAPP and ERERA;
- One (1) Representative from ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development (EBID) or the ECOWAS
- Project Preparation and Development Unit project (PPDU);
- Expert staff from ECREEE.
The Secretariat
The ECREEE Secretariat is based in Praia, Cape Verde and operates with a small multinational team of West African and international full-time staff. The Spanish Agency for International Development and Cooperation (AECID) and UNIDO are providing seconded experts as part of their technical assistance. The internal structure of the ECREEE Secretariat can be described as follows:
- Department of Management and Organizational Development (DMOD)
- Technical Energy Department (TD)
- Department for Administration and Finance (DAF)
- National Focal Institutions from all ECOWAS member States.
The Secretariat implements the activities and elaborates the annual work plans, status reports and presents the documents for review and approval to the Technical Committee and Executive Board
The National Focal Institutions (NFIs)
ECREEE has established a network of National Focal Institutions (NFIs) to serve as a liason between the Secretariat and the Energy Ministries from all ECOWAS Member States. Most of the activities of the Centre are executed in cooperation with the NFIs or other entities of the public and private sector.