The Accra International Conference Centre (AICC)
The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE), the Global Forum for Sustainable Energy (GSFE), the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Government of Ghana jointly organized the High Level Energy Forum on the theme “Paving the Way for Sustainable Energy for All in West Africa through Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency” from the 29–31 October 2012, in Accra, Ghana.
Over 320 participants including the ECOWAS ministers and other key stakeholders from West Africa’s energy sector and the international community, convened at the forum, to establish a regional framework for the attainment of the three critical targets set by the UN under its Sustainable Energy for All Initiative (SE4ALL) by 2030. The SE4ALL seeks to reinforce commitments from Member States to take concrete actions towards ensuring universal access to energy services; doubling the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix and doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency.
On the 31th Wednesday of October, which marks the end of the forum, participants convened at a ministerial session, chaired by Mr. Oluniyi Robbin-Coker, Minister of Energy and Water, Sierra Leone. Resolutions on renewable energy and energy efficiency were discussed and adopted, focusing on the ECOWAS Policy on Renewable Energy; ECOWAS Policy on Energy Efficiency; the ECOWAS Small Hydro Power Program; and the ECOWAS Bio-energy Strategy Framework. The afternoon session includes a high-level panel discussion on achieving the SE4ALL in West Africa.
Please find below the full documentation on the Forum. Further photos and information are available at the IISD website:
More Photos and conference report from IISD are available at: